Tag Archives: ICYMI

Acupuncture for Musicians

by Stephanie Hayman

In the music world, injuries may occur frequently as musicians often push beyond their limits. Inadequate rest, unhealthy eating habits, improper posture and mental and emotional strain compound this problem. With a musician’s hectic lifestyle, sufficient time is often not allowed for the body to heal. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory (especially steroids) medications are often used to dull the aches and pains. It’s a quick and easy approach, but only a temporary fix.

By medicinally covering up pain, stiffness, swelling, or aches, you may be masking a deeper problem. These symptoms are signals from your body telling you that something is weakened and out of balance. These warning signals are telling you to stop, rest, and heal. Continue reading

Get Your Money!


Still waiting on that recording session check? Here’s how to get paid without sounding like a broken record

There should be no mystery in getting paid for working. Businesses hire people to do things all the time. When you are hired to help make an album, the rules of the music business are no different — musicians need to get paid, too. Below are three simple steps to help you get paid on time, every time.

3 Steps to Get Your Money:

1. Get hired for a union session — wooo!
2. Submit your AFM B-4 report form.
3. Get Paid.

When called for a recording sessions to make an album, our deal with the major record companies is that you get paid within three weeks from when the AFM paperwork gets submitted to the company. The AFM B-4 report form (see a sample B-4 here) is the paperwork needed as, when completed, it describes all of the necessary information for their payroll company to cut your paycheck. This needs be submitted to the record company for payment. That’s pretty much it.

Need Paperwork?

Contact your Local 47 Sound Recording Business Representative:

• (323) 993-3170

email us

Visit the Sound Recording page at afm47.org to view and download forms Continue reading