Local 47 Election News: All candidates unopposed, elected by acclamation

For the first time in recent history, all candidates who submitted nominating petitions for the 2016 Local 47 General Election were unopposed. In accordance with Article IX, Section 1 of the AFM Local 47 Bylaws, the Election Board declares that all of the following candidates, running on the slate of John Acosta, are hereby elected by acclamation*:

President (1): John Acosta

Vice President (1): Rick Baptist

Secretary/Treasurer (1): Gary Lasley

Trustees (3): Judy Chilnick, Dylan Hart, Bonnie Janofsky

Directors (6): Pam Gates, John Lofton, Andy Malloy, Phil O’Connor, Bill Reichenbach, Vivian Wolf

Hearing Board (7): Alan Estes, Jon Kurnick, Jeff Lass, Norman Ludwin, Helen Nightengale, Allen Savedoff, Marc Sazer

Delegates to the AFM Convention** (3): Pam Gates, Bonnie Janofsky, Norman Ludwin

First Alternate Delegate (1): Phil O’Connor

Second Alternate Delegate (1): Vivian Wolf

Congratulations to all of these candidates, and thank you for your willingness to serve the membership of our Union!

Election Board: Mark Zimoski (chair, mzimos@gmail.com, 818-997-7225), Marie Matson, Paul Sternhagen, Stephen Green, Scott Higgins, Nick Stone, Kris Mettala

* Per AFM Local 47 Bylaw Article IX, Section 1, in the event that all candidates should be unopposed in a General Election, the Election Board shall declare those candidates elected by acclamation, and no balloting shall take place.

**At present, Local 47 is entitled to six Delegates to the AFM Convention. Our titled officers automatically fill three Delegate positions. The remaining three Delegate positions are determined by the General Election.