Tag Archives: Bane Act

Take Action Now to Ensure Law Enforcement Integrity and Accountability: SB 731

AFM Local 47 has been proud to be part of a sustained effort by the entertainment community to support the Black community through advocacy for policies addressing racial injustice. The California Legislature is considering a critical bill, SB 731 introduced by Senator Steve Bradford, which will implement an effective system to revoke an officer’s certification based on criminal conviction and certain acts of serious misconduct, and will also reinstate the original objective of California’s civil rights law (the “Bane Act”) to properly protect the rights of all California citizens. 

Los Angeles-area state Assemblymembers are crucial to the bill’s advancing, not only because of our strong presence as a community in the area but also to the overall political equation. Time is of the essence. We have a very limited window in the next two days to demonstrate our support for the bill to legislators and to ensure it advances in the process.

Please take a moment as soon as possible to visit this phone2action link to generate a message of support to your local Assemblymember.