Legendary composer, musician, conductor and six-time Oscar nominee Lalo Schifrin (“Mission: Impossible”) was honored with a special 85th birthday celebration featuring an AFM Local 47 orchestra on the evening of Oct. 7, 2017. Continue reading

Legendary composer, musician, conductor and six-time Oscar nominee Lalo Schifrin (“Mission: Impossible”) was honored with a special 85th birthday celebration featuring an AFM Local 47 orchestra on the evening of Oct. 7, 2017. Continue reading
Celebrating Lalo
An 85th Birthday Concert Celebration With a Film Music Legend
Meet the Pasadena Symphony Orchestra
Show your support for #MusiciansofPSO!
RMA Night 2017
Los Angeles recording musicians celebrate Alf Clausen at annual gala
Who Played It Again, Sam?
The three pianists of Casablanca
and more!
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Overture Online is optimized for reading via smartphone or tablet. For those without access to a smart device, this issue may be viewed on a web browser (must have flash enabled). Local 47 members may download archived pdf versions from the members section at afm47.org.
Overture Online
September 2017
Celebrating Lalo Schifrin: 85th Birthday Concert
Looking Ahead
Local 47 Executive Board adopts five-year Strategic Plan
Musicians Stage Free Concert to ‘Keep the Score in CA’
See what’s next for our Music Scoring Tax Credit bill AB 1300
In Memoriam: Glen Campbell
Remembering a music icon
Instrumental Casting Pledges to Not Violate Federal Labor Laws
Company owned by Jennifer Walton required to comply with National Labor Relations Board settlement agreement
and more!
The Overture Online app is available FREE @ Apple App Store & Google Play:
Legendary composer, musician, conductor and six-time Oscar nominee Lalo Schifrin (“Mission: Impossible”) will celebrate his 85th birthday with a special concert in his honor Oct. 7 at the Alex Theatre in Glendale. Continue reading