Tag Archives: MusiCares

Still confused about the Affordable Care Act?
Free Workshop: Every Artist Insured
Free Hollywood Musicians Dental Clinic Nov. 18, 2014
Hollywood Musicians Dental Clinic
Sponsored by MusiCares, AFM Local 47 & Musicians Foundation of Los Angeles
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
9 am – 4 pm
MusiCares, in collaboration with Dr. Pacita Franco, DDS, AFM Local 47 and Musicians Foundation of Los Angeles, will host a FREE mobile dental clinic for music professionals*. Eligible members who pre-register will receive a complimentary dental cleaning and visual oral exam on-site at AFM Local 47 headquarters on Tuesday, July 15. Limited appointments available; register today to reserve your spot!
* To qualify participants must document at least five years professional music career history
The clinic will be held at:
AFM Local 47
817 Vine St.
Hollywood, CA 90038
All appointments must be scheduled in advance!
Register online: Local47dental2014.eventbrite.com
or call: